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Labour Party Conference- Energy Strategy

The Labour Party conference has been taking place this week in Liverpool and yesterday speeches from Shadow Cabinet ministers, Ed Miliband and Rachel Reeves, set out the party's...

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Strategic Review of Network Charges

Ofgem recently published an open letter on potential reforms to network charges, find out about the charges and what was discussed in the letter...

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Automatic Meter Readings (AMR)

AMRs are a growing and important technology, to find out all about them and how LGE can help read the below handy summary:...

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Network Charges Compensation Scheme for Energy Intensive Industries

Together, with the support of our partner the Cast Metals Federation, LGE has responded to a government consultation on a potential compensation scheme for network charges paid by...

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Changing Structure of UK Electricity Generation

The structure of electricity generation in the UK is rapidly changing. Find out all you need to know about these transformations, the challenges they bring and how to manage them...

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TPI Code of Practice

Regulation of TPIs has been discussed for years, the latest attempt to bring more transparency to the sector is detailed...

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Energy Bills Discount Scheme

Everything Businesses Need to...

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Energy Relief Scheme: Facts and Impacts

The UK government has finalised the details of their Winter Energy...

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Update on the UK Government’s Winter Energy Accountments

The UK government has released further details about their Winter Energy...

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Analysis of Recent UK Government Winter Energy Announcements

LGE’s Current Thoughts on the Government’s Policy Announcements for Winter...

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Contract for Difference

Everything you need to know about the...

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Germany’s Emergency Gas Plan

Communication from LG Energy Group Regarding the Three Stages of Germany's Emergency Gas...

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LGE and Genmed Join Forces

LGE Will Now Be Providing Expert Energy Advice to Genmed...

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