Cost Recovery Audits

As well as streamlining your current utilities invoices, LGE can provide a fully equipped cost recovery audit to assess potential historical billing errors.

LGE’s cost recovery audit product typically analyses 6 years’ worth of historical billing data for power, gas and water invoices. The aim of the cost recovery audit is to uncover areas where you may have been overcharged or incorrectly quoted, whether from previous third-party operators or suppliers. LGE can provide services through:

  • Utilising state-of-the-art systems and purposely developing algorithms to identify, quantify and recover billing errors.
  • Providing a cost recovery audit on a risk-free and transparent basis.
  • Offering remuneration via a share of savings, providing our clients with confidence.
  • Providing audits which include traded positions, ensuring that the price is the same as the price invoiced by the supplier.
  • Not seeking future savings on any reductions on identified and agreed capacity.
The Process:

LGE’s cost recovery audit utilises a simple four-step process:

  1. Data– Collation of invoices and data.
  2. Audit– Comprehensive invoice validation, covering 21 checks.
  3. Recovery– A review across the supply chain to recover overpayments.
  4. Results– Provision of a detailed report, including a full breakdown of all savings.
What does the audit cover?

The cost recovery audit covers a wide range of checks to ensure that all elements have been factored. These include:

Electricity: Wholesale energy, distribution losses, transmission charges/losses, distribution charges, DC/DA charges, renewable obligations, meter operator charges, balancing charges, feed-in-tariffs, climate change levies, legislative compliance, supplier margins and VAT exemptions.

Gas: Wholesale energy, NTS charges, LDZ charges, correction factor, climate change levies, legislative compliance, supplier margins and VAT exemptions.

Water: Non-return to sewer allowance, rateable value, trade effluent charges, legislative compliance, supplier margins and VAT exemptions.

For more information on our cost recovery audit services speak to your account manager today or contact us at