Retro Audit

Approached by the client in early 2016 to review their contracts. Immediately spotted that the gas contract was due to expire in 2 days’ time, which the incumbent consultant had overlooked.

Had our strategy been implemented as advised savings of approximately £120,000 per annum each year of the three-year proposed agreement would have been secured. Approached again by the client in December 2016 as the incumbent had neglected to place the gas contract and the client had been incurring out of contract rates since 1st of October 2016.

Retro Audit Checks:


Wholesale energy price   ?
Supplier margins   ?
Consumption Levels   ?
Distribution Charges   ?
Transmission Charges   ?
Distribution/Transmission Losses   ?
Metering Charges   ?
DC/DA Charges   ?
Balancing Charges   ?
Climate Changes Levy   ?
Feed in Tari?s   ?


Wholesale Energy Prices   ?
Supplier Margin   ?
Consumption Levels   ?
LDZ Charges   ?
NTS Charges   ?
Correction Factor   ?
Metering Charges   ?
Climate Change Levy   ?
VAT Exemptions   ?


Total Historic Refunds: £99,539

Savings Going Forward (Annually): £210,910