Global Markets

LGE’s reach extends far beyond the UK. With partner organisations around the world, LGE has the capability to offer competitive and value-added energy procurement services throughout the world.

LGE has extensive relationships with partners in multiple parts of the globe. LGE combines its trading expertise with local knowledge and applies this on a nation-by-nation basis. LGE’s partner model ensures customers benefit from local experts and a consistently high level of service through a single global account manager and online reporting tools.

Service Coverage:

LGE’s global reach is dependent on the availability and types of energy supply products available in each nation. Their accessibility is dependent on the level of regulation and market maturity. LGE provides services in the following locations:

De-Regulated Markets: UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Austria, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

Partially Regulated Markets: The United States, Canada and France.


How Does LGE’s Partner Model Work?:

LGE’s partnership model ensures that service offering remains as competitive as possible. LGE uses a customer’s energy volume as leverage and negotiates with partners and suppliers alike to place contracts. LGE’s partners deliver a validation and reporting service which is then transferred to LGE’s state of the art portals. This offers customers around the world visualisation of their energy data and includes the ability to provide bespoke dashboards.



As levels of regulation evolve around the world, the partner model allows LGE to take advantage  of these market developments and provide maximum value from new opportunities.

For more information on our global services speak to your account manager today or contact us at