Great British Energy Founding Statement

Found of what the Labour party have had to say on their flagship energy policy below:...

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Climate Change Committee (CCC) 2024 Report to Parliament:

The CCC has published its latest assessment of the UK’s progress toward reaching net zero. Find out more...

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LGE’s Election Analysis

As the nation heads into the final stages of the election campaign, read what the energy and climate policies for each party mean for the country going forward with LGE’s...

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Election Manifesto Policies 2024

Find out all you need to know about the energy and climate policies of the major parties for the upcoming election below:...

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GB Energy Explainer

Find out all you need to know about Labour’s flagship energy plan for the election...

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Election Announcement

A date has finally been set for the general election, find out the state play for climate and energy policies across all the major parties...

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Oil Firms’ Climate Pledges Failing

Find out below about how the world's major oil and gas producers are failing to limit climate change through their policies and...

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Ofgem: Non-Domestic Policy Changes

The energy regulator, Ofgem, has published information on changes to its policies for handling consumers in the non-domestic market. Find out more...

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Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) Second Consultation

The government has launched its second consultation on REMA arrangements. Find out all the details...

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Strategy to Reinforce UK Energy Supply

The Energy Secretary, Claire Coutinho, and Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, have set out their actions to attempt to futureproof the country's energy security. Find out more...

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Budget Reaction & Green Investment

Following on from yesterday’s budget, green economists and businesses have been giving their reaction. Find out more...

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Tim’s Trading Forecast for 2024

LGE's Head of Trading and Risk Management, Tim Partridge, has explained all the goings on in the energy markets for the first quarter of 2024 and the outlook for the coming year....

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Energy Intensive Users’ Group Spring Budget Submission 2024

The Energy Intensive Users' Group (EIUG) which represents Energy Intensive Industrial (EII) consumers has published its submission to the government ahead of the Spring Budget....

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CCSA Spring Budget Submission 2024

The Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) has published its pathway for decarbonising UK industry, creating jobs and boosting the economy through carbon capture and...

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